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Lose Weight With These 6 Household Tricks

Writer's picture: alygrayfitalygrayfit

Eating healthier is a goal for many and no doubt a popular resolution for the new year.

You may not realize it now but subtle cues from your kitchen can make it hard to reach those goals. Use these tricks to turn your home into a better eating environment and watch your eating habits naturally improve like magic.

Avoiding food temptations is hard but these simple household changes will help keep them out of sight, out of mind!

As you read this blog, I encourage you to take action and perform these steps today. You remember only 10% of what you READ but 90% of what you DO, so let's put these tricks to work and watch the LBs fall off.

#1 - Counter Culture 101 - People will eat what is easiest to access.

I want you to take a look around your kitchen and see what's sitting out at arms reach.

Do you have pastries on the counter? A fruit bowl? A cookie jar or liquor shelf?

These are things we don't really think about but subconsciously, our brains are triggered to crave if seen.

I'm sure you've heard of the saying, "I'm on the See Food Diet -- I see it, I eat it!" Well jokes aside, research shows that people are unable to resist temptation and it leads to eating larger portion sizes, obesity, and poor habits passed down through generations.

Let's change that today...

Is your toaster sitting on the counter right now? Hide it.

Studies show that your BMI is likely to be much lower by putting your toaster away in a cabinet unseen.

Additionally, having junk food at arms reach is proven temptation that's hard to resist. Clear your countertops of visible food that serves as a constant reminder of its availability.

Now, that isn't to say absolutely nothing should be on your countertops.

Get a fruit bowl and fill it with health foods that will influence better snacking habits.

A study from Cornell found that people who left fruit on their countertops weighed an average of 13 lbs. (6 kg) less than those who didn't have this healthy snacking option within arm's reach.

#2 - Take the TV out of the kitchen and dining area.

The television ads flashing food on repeat sends a subliminal message to the brain to want food and/or keep eating if you're watching at the same time.

Take away the distraction and you're more likely to eat less and slow down giving your body time to register when it's full.

Often times families forget to turn the TV off before dinner, so best just to remove it. You will find more enjoyment in your meal and the company you share it with by taking the TV out of the room.

#3 - Don't bring serving dishes to the dining table.

Put an end to buffet style dining. You are likely to eat more when serving dishes are placed at the table you eat from.

Here's another interesting Cornell study. Eating behaviors were tested from people dining with food at the table vs not at the table and they found that women ate 20% less and men 29% less when serving dishes weren't in front of them.

Remove the temptation to return for second helpings by simply keeping serving dishes out of sight.

#4 - Keep a clean and inviting kitchen space.

Have you ever decided to order in just to avoid the clean up? 😬 Guilty!

When the kitchen is a hot mess with mail everywhere or dishes in the sink, you're more likely to opt out of home cooking and order take-out or dine at a restaurant, which typically leads to over eating and choosing less healthy meals.

In addition to keeping it tidy, candles or flowers in the kitchen will make your time there more enjoyable. You're guaranteed to make better eating decisions in a clean and welcoming environment.

#5 - Permanently take items off of your shopping list.

Eliminating things like cookies, chips and other processed foods from the grocery run will inevitably result in consuming less of it — back to the "See Food Diet." If you keep it out of sight, you'll keep it out of mind too.

Naturally, these items make it into the house though, especially during holidays so the best place to store them is high up or tucked in the pantry out of sight.

#6 - Serve from smaller plates & drink from taller glasses.

If you're anything like me, I don't stop eating until my plate is clean!

Serving with smaller plates will undoubtably lead to eating smaller portion sizes and drinking from tall glasses will also encourage you to drink more water during meals, which helps curve hunger, and stimulate digestion.

It's time to put action behind the words!

Challenge yourself to make these simple household changes. They are proven to help build lasting eating habits that'll lead to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle for you and your family.

I'm sure you've heard of the saying, "I'm on the See Food Diet -- I see it, I eat it!" Well, jokes aside, research shows that people are unable to resist temptation and it leads to eating larger portion sizes, obesity, and poor habits passed down through generations.


Okay, That's it!


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